My University

Kamis, 04 April 2013

Tugas pertama Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama   : Hanny Azhar N.R
NPM   : 11209556
Kelas   : 4EA02
Exercise A (skill 1-2)
5.   In a box on the top shelf of the cabinet in the hallway of the house.
      This sentence is wrong (w), because the sentence has no a subject and verb.
      Right = My sister puts some books in a box on the top shelf of the cabinet in the hallway of the house  
My sister(subject), puts(verb), some(plural), books(noun), in(preposition), a box(object of a preposition), the top shelf(adverb of place), the cabinet(noun), in the hallway of the house(adverb of place)
Exercise B (skill 1-2)
5.   Pleasantly greets everyone in all the offices every morning.
      This sentence is wrong (w), because the sentence has a verb greets but there is no subject.
 Right = She pleasantly greets everyone in all the offices every morning.
She(subject), pleasantly(adjective), greets(verb), everyone(object), in all the offices(adverb of place), every morning(adverb of time).
Toefl Exercise (skill 1-2)
6.   The large carotid artery _____ to the main parts of the brain.
      a. carrying blood                                       c. blood is carried
      b. carries blood                                          d. blood carries
      This sentence has a subject The large carotid artery but there is no verb. Because answer (B) carries blood, is a verb, it is the best answer. Answer (A) is incorrect because it is for to be (s+to be=am/are/is, was/were). Answer (C) is incorrect because the sentence already has a subject The large carotid artery and does not need the extra subject blood. Answer (D) is incorrect because this word is not in accordance with the sentence.

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